
IV Drug Administration Course

£1,296.00VAT excluded

This course is delivered as a face to face course over the course of a full day.

SKU: CLINS383 Categories: ,


We are pleased to introduce our intravenous medications administration update course. This course is suitable for all staff from a variety of settings for whose role would require undertaking the administration of intravenous medications.

This course will introduce candidates to the skills and knowledge required to undertake this as part of their role.

This course is suitable for the following clinical grades:

  • Assistant Practitioners or Registered Nursing Associates
  • Ambulance Technician (e.g. FREC5, Associate Ambulance Practitioner, IHCD Ambulance Technician or equivalent qualification).
  • Registered Healthcare Professionals (i.e. you have a current GMC, NMC, GPHC, HCPC or GDC Pin number).

For all other clinical grades please contact us in the first instance to check your eligibility.

All learners will be expected to pass with 100% a short numeracy examination. Throughout the duration of the course learners will be expected to participate throughout the course and demonstrate the skills required to complete the certificate of attendance.

A Certificate of Attendance will be issued following your attendance at this course and successfully completing the numeracy examination.

Completion of this course does not constitute a “licence to practice”. While the course will give you the skills required to undertake this clinical skill, it is down to your employer (i.e. the organisation that you wish to use these skills within) to ensure they have the correct governance and insurances in place for you to undertake the procedure. This course has however been widely recognised by a number of employers across the NHS and Private and Independent Sectors.


Additional information

Course Format

Course Type

Course Duration

Course Date

Course Availability

What's Included

What's Included

  • Introduction
  • Scope of Practice.
  • Legal and ethical considerations for IV Medications Administration
  • Anaphylaxis and Adverse Drug Reactions (including reporting)
  • Aseptic Non-Touch Technique
  • Safe Administration of Intravenous Medications
  • Mixing and Preparing IV Medications.
  • Drug Calculations for IV Medications administration.
  • Documentation.

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