Event Medical Cover – Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions - Event Medical Cover

Please Note: These terms and conditions apply only to the Event Medical Cover services provided by Medline Consultancy Limited. 
If you have any questions which relate to these terms and conditions please contact Office@medline-consultancy.co.uk

Section 1 - Definitions

“You”, “your” or “Yourselves”Meaning the client or Event Organiser (EO) of a third party who has booked medics for an event.
“Us”, “our” and “we”
Meaning us as Medline Consultancy Limited.
“The Event”
Meaning the event at which you have booked our medical staff.
Meaning the agreement between us and you.
“Event Medical Staff”   
Self-employed staff which are contracted to work as the medical team at your event.
“Confirmation”  The action or state to which something is confirmed
“Quotation”A quote of the cost for doing a particular job or service in this case the quote for providing event medical services at an event
“Booking form”  
A form which is sent to the Event Organiser in which they fill out all requirements they may need for their event

Section 2