
Evacuation Sledge Training Course

£745.99VAT excluded

This course is delivered in partnership with our colleagues at Chris Garland Training and is delivered over a full day.



If your workplace has chosen evacuation sledges as a means of assisting those less able to evacuate the premises during an emergency, the training you receive needs to meet specific standards.

Official UK Government guidance states that the “training provided should include disability awareness, disability evacuation etiquette, and moving, lifting and handling techniques”.

Our course includes these; many courses don’t.

This half-day Evacuation Sledge Operator course is specifically designed to equip you with the knowledge and ability to visually check & safely use typical types of evacuation equipment in real-life situations

Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the ‘responsible person’ (e.g. the building owner or employer) has to ensure that everyone (whether an employee or visitor) can be evacuated safely from the building during an emergency. Evacuation sledges are one way the ‘responsible person’ can comply with this legal requirement.

Evacuation sledges fall under the requirements of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER). This means there is a legal obligation on equipment providers to ensure adequate staff training, as well as servicing of the equipment, to ensure that the equipment can be operated safely during emergency

  • No prior experience is required for this course.
  • A reasonable level of physical fitness & strength is required to use the sledges safely.
  • Those with back or shoulder problems, mobility issues or of a nervous disposition will find this course challenging & we don’t recommend they undertake the course.
  • Please ensure that you wear flat shoes (not high-heels, etc) on the day of the course. 


  • Evacuation Sledge Operator.

To pass, you need to score 70% on the Multiple-Choice Question paper and 100% on the practical assessment.

Upon completion of the course candidates will receive a certificate which is available as a PDF (Portable Document Format).

  • Certificates will be issued at the discretion of the trainer depending on the level of competence and ability demonstrated during the course. (e.g. those who physically cannot control the decent of a loaded evacuation sledge safely may be certified as an assistant rather than an operator).
  • Following successful completion of the course and assessments, you will receive the following course certificate issued by Medline Consultancy Limited in conjunction with Chris Garland

Additional information

Course Type

Course Duration

Course Date

Course Availability

What's Included

What's Included

  • What is an evacuation sledge?
  • When would you use one?
  • Who would use one?
  • Legislation relating to evacuation sledges
  • Disability awareness & etiquette
  • Planning an evacuation
  • Evacuation strategies
  • Risks to evacuation sledge operators
  • The spine
  • Employers considerations
  • Moving, lifting & handling techniques
  • Avoiding injuries to the sledge operators
  • Team lifting
  • Evacuation sledge use (practical)
  • Assisting people into the evacuation sledge
  • Written test

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